+91 77718 33318
We offers travel insurance assist services in all over the world
TravelSafe+ is travel assist comprehensive consulting programme available 24×7 for worldwide travel & lifestyle assistance
Best OMP service provider for our member from U/W by IRDA general Insurance.
our Unique & Innovative solution will recover your lost or delayed baggage
Get personalized solutions for any health issue with instant online doctor consultation.Video & Chat Options. Trusted Doctors
Every provider featured on TravelSafe+ must adhere to our Triple Travel assistance – we promise that every plan you purchase through Travelsafe+ is from a reputable provider that will handle all claims fairly and honestly.
You have battles to win and worlds to conquer. With so much already on your to-do list, planning for and managing your lifestyle needs is not something you should have to worry about.
When you become our subscriber, you get instant access to a package of unique services. Our representatives are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and are specially trained to assist you with whatever happens. It could be an emergency medical situation or a simple question about your travel destination. There are many unforeseen events that can have a great impact on your vacation or business trip. TripGuard will be there to assist you at any time, anywhere and for any reason.
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Mrs Vajpayeeiswas
Happy Client
Your site was customer friendly. Super easy to use, at fair prices. Please pass my sincere thanks to everyone who assisted in getting me home from Japan much sooner Your support and assistance throughout what was a very traumatic time were greatly appreciated. Thank you again!
Ornob Mathew
Happy Client
I would like to express my gratitude from the depths of my heart for all your help and support during the time I faced health difficulties in my life in Israel; now I’m safely back in India. Your caring staff brought comfort and peace to me knowing that there’s someone who cares for me
Lucia Macron
Happy Client
Thank you very much for the evacuation from TripGuard. It is difficult to describe the fear and angst a person feels when they are sick while in a foreign place with no hope of proper medical attention